Friday, January 21, 2011

an apparent attempt at poetry

I keep notebooks where I write quotes, excerpts from books, and poems that I like and find interesting. As I'm preparing for a talk scheduled tomorrow, on a subject which is still unclear to me, and talking to a good friend from high school about his (and my/mine) post-quarter life career crisis, my hands hovered over one of them.

What struck me most was my handwriting. I used to have great penmanship. "Great" because now, I couldn't even write notes if it's not on my laptop. So there. Shame that I have let my "writing" skills rust in a major-major way.

But as I scrolled, este, turned the pages (See? Even my expressions are for "typing") of the notebook, I found something more interesting than the borrowed verses I so diligently recorded... It appears that, in one of my Econ 190.2 (Monetary, Fiscal and Development Policy) classes I wrote, what somehow resembles a poem!!! What a great find! :)

The entry was dated September 28, 2004 and is untitled.

faint, almost nothing
is the sight of your light shadow
your gaze hover over my presence
as if asking the wind if it was there

as I sit here nearly beside you
I observe the vastness that separate us
and wonder if I could somehow
see with your eyes

for if you could see with mine
perhaps you would remember
the many summers we spent
in the infinity of a thought

This got me thinking, kaya pala ang baba ng grade ko sa Econ, kung anu-ano ginagawa ko!